
Anorak News | Naked Ambition

Naked Ambition

by | 2nd, February 2004

‘IF the BBC’s legion of journalists is unable to ask the questions that matter, what will we be left with?

Nicola has nothing to hide

It’s a problem Nicola McLean, the Sun’s woman who gets to the heart of the issue, will doubtless address in the ensuing weeks.

For now, the one media operative who dares question the Government on anything is shocked to hear the news that Tony is overseeing the waste of £50bn of taxpayers’ money.

Says Nicola: “That money could make a real difference to hard-working people.”

And that’s hardworking people like Nicola, who has barely finished her “News In Briefs” bulletin than she’s stripped off to tell the Star how she fancies yet another career as a rock chick.

If only Andrew Gilligan and other BBC journalists had toiled so hard, we might not now be forced to turn to the likes of an already overworked Nicola to ask the questions that matter.

For this reason, Nicola gets our vote to be the new director-general of the BBC.

Hey, she’s such a game girl, let’s make her the chairman too, and give her a job reporting on the Today programme.

This is if the BBC exists in it current format in a couple of years.

The Express’ front-page story (“END OF THE TV LICENCE”) says Culture Secretary Tessa Jowell and her ilk are considering “better” ways to fund the corporation than by the licence fee.

What these ways are we can only guess at. But it might involve the Labour party using donations sent its way to fund Aunty entirely themselves.

But nothing will happen without much debate and some tough questions from the likes of Nicola, the one reporter who still dares…’

Posted: 2nd, February 2004 | In: Tabloids 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink