
Anorak News | Victoria Beckham’s Club

Victoria Beckham’s Club

by | 14th, July 2006

“ROMEO’S a better singer than I am.” So says Victoria Beckham.

Having seen Victoria perform, we’d wager that her son is also a better dancer than his mother. He may also look better in fake bake and massive sunglasses. That for later. His is a fledgling career and he should leave the fans wanting more.

For now, the Sun tells us that while in Germany with the Wags, young Romeo treated all and sundry to a precocious rendition of Abba’s Money Money Money.

While he did that, his older brother Brooklyn passed among the assembled Wags with an empty baseball cap in his hands ready to be filled with cash.

Young Romeo really is a chip off the old block. And while we look forward to Romeo one day stepping into his mother’s micro mini and leading his band the Wannabe Spice Girls in song and dance, Victoria has her eyes on those Wags.

The Mirror has seen extracts from Vicky’s fashion tips book The Extra Half An Inch.

“The problems is with skinny jeans is if you wear them with flat shoes, like flip-flops or trainers, you end up looking like a golf club,” says she. We nod our lollipop heads in agreement.

“I hate those silly lacy bras with all those bits poking out beneath your top,” says she. “You end up looking like you have four breasts.” Posh has two breasts, although rumours persist that she has had more.

More observations will surely surface in her book – a study in how to look like Posh, if not sound like her…

Posted: 14th, July 2006 | In: Tabloids 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink