I Heart Huckabees – Lily Tomlin Freaks Out
FIRST there was Alien v Predator. Then there was Actor v Director. And now this video.
I Heart Huckabees director David O. Russell lays into Lily Tomlin, sweeping paper off a desk, kicking over a box and knocking over a lamp, after she bitches about one of her scenes.
“**** you. I am just trying to f***ing help you. Do you understand me?” Russell yells at Tomlin
“…okay bitch. I am not here to be f***ing yelled at.”
“I’ve worked on this f***ing thing for three f***ing years not to have some f***ing c*** yell at me in front of the f***ing crew when I’m trying to f***ing help you, bitch. Figure it out for yourself.”
Tomlin didn’t stand a chance.
Posted: 26th, March 2007 | In: Reviews 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink