Red On Red Downs Abu Ayyub al-Masri
MORE signs that the war in Iraq is being won comes from Fox News:
“Iraqi officials have received reports that the leader of Al Qaeda in Iraq was killed by Sunni tribesmen, but the chief government spokesman said Tuesday the information has not been confirmed.
“The statement by spokesman Ali al-Dabbagh followed a welter of reports from other Iraqi officials that Abu Ayyub al-Masri had been killed. Iraqi officials have released similar reports in the past, only to acknowledge later they were inaccurate.”
American officials cannot yet confirm the death of an Al-Qaeda big cheese. Dabbagh says a DNA test on the body needs to be performed.
But news that they are turning on their own is not without interest. We’ll watch to see who claims the five million dollar bounty on al-Masri’s head.
As Reuters reports:
“Spokesman Brigadier-General Abdul Kareem Khalaf told Reuters: ‘We have definite intelligence reports that al Masri was killed today.’ He said the battle happened near a bridge in the small town of al-Nibayi, north of Baghdad.
“Another source in the ministry said Masri had been killed in what he described as ‘probably score-settling within al Qaeda itself”.”
Is the war being won?
Posted: 1st, May 2007 | In: Reviews Comment | TrackBack | Permalink