Shannon Matthews: Ripper Yarn And Not In McCanns’ Class
SHANNON Watch: Anorak’s look at Shannon Matthews in the media
DAILY MIRROR: “Hunt for Shannon Matthews is the biggest since the Yorkshire Ripper”
Is it?
The search is the biggest since the one for Yorkshire Ripper Peter Sutcliffe who murdered 13 women in the 70s and 80s.
Chief Inspector Graham Armitage said: “It’s certainly the biggest missing persons inquiry since the Yorkshire Ripper, which I also worked on.”
Ripper. Ripper. Ripper. Is this a new context to place the disappearance of a child in? Is comparison with Madeleine McCann no longer apt?
DAILY MAIL: “Someone I know abducted missing Shannon just to hurt me, says mother”
Her comments came as her partner drew a sharp line between Shannon’s family and the parents of missing Madeleine McCann.
Craig Meehan, said: “It’s two families from two different backgrounds which shouldn’t really get compared – basically, a poor family and a rich family.”
Mr Meehan, 22, went on: “To me, they [the McCanns] are like celebrities in other people’s eyes. They’ve got money, they know celebrities and all that, so they can afford to do everything they do, everything they can.
“We’re trying to do what we can with the money we’ve got, with the resources we’ve got.”
It’s the biggest manhunt since The Yorkshire Ripper. Or is a private detective firm now also required?
DAILY TELEGRAPH: “Shannon Matthews ‘abducted to hurt mother’”
Asked if she thought the abductor was someone she knew, Mrs Matthews, a mother of seven, said: “It seems that way because there’s no trace of her at all. There’s no trace of her swimming costume, her towel or anything like that that she’s taken with her.”
Mrs Matthews told the BBC Radio 4 Today programme she believed the reason someone had taken her daughter was to get at her.
Asked why someone would do it, Mrs Matthews replied: “Just to hurt me, really.”
When pressed on who might be behind the abduction, she said: “No idea at all. All my friends and family have all been checked and there are no sightings of her things there at all.”
Posted: 12th, March 2008 | In: Broadsheets, Madeleine McCann, Tabloids 255 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink