
Anorak News | Madeleine McCann: Frozen Terror, This Is A Bedroom, Lying Police And A Song

Madeleine McCann: Frozen Terror, This Is A Bedroom, Lying Police And A Song

by | 5th, August 2008

MADDIE WATCH – Anorak’s at-a-glance guide to press coverage of Madeleine McCann, Kate McCann and Gerry McCann

THE SUN (front page) “MADDIE’S BED”

“First photo of room…”

But we’ve seen the room before, last November.

“…hours after abduction”.



Terror turns out to look like an empty bedroom.

Know that “by grim coincidence” “Maddies’s passport “expired yesterday”

Such are the facts.


Poof! Has anyone looked inside the wardrobe for a white witch and a lion?


“SHOCKING bungles by the Portuguese cops probing the disappearance of Madeleine McCann were finally exposed yesterday — by their OWN files.”

Those foreign swine.

The sensational police dossier — released a fortnight after clueless cops gave up the 15-month hunt for the youngster — revealed how a top Brit forensic expert told investigators in the Algarve there was NO DNA evidence against the McCanns.

Gawd bless us:

At the time anguished Kate and Gerry were the target of callous police “leaks” — including that their daughter’s blood was found in their holiday apartment and hire car. Samples had been sent to the Birmingham-based Forensic Science Service, yesterday’s files confirmed.


But the police dossier also revealed that John Lowe, of the FSS major incidents team, declared it was impossible to conclude the material was even blood — let alone whether it came from Madeleine.

But a child was missing. The DNA is not all of the case.

Detectives went on to lie to Gerry that his daughter’s DNA had DEFINITELY been found in the family’s hire car — despite it having been rented long after three-year-old Maddie vanished from the family’s holiday flat in the resort of Praia da Luz.

Police…tell…lies….to….try….to…force….confession… WOW!

DAILY STAR (front page): “MADDIE – First pics inside her holiday bedroom”.

Psst! Wanna see the bedroom where a little was sleeping before she disappeared.

Who needs Maddie tourists. Just buy a paper.

DAILY MIRROR (front page): “MADDY –What police asked Kate in 11-hour grilling”

You say Maddie, I say Maddy,

They say Katie, I say Gerry,

Maddy, Maddie,

Big Ears, Noddy.

Let’s call the whole thing off…


Well, maybe because when a child goes missing, police often look to those closest to that child?

The Mirror puiblishes two pictures of the McCann room, with evidence labelled “MADDY’S BED”, “TWIN’S COT”, “BEDROOM” and “SHUTTERS”.

Other labels might include: DUVET, FLOOR, CELIING, WALL and AIR.

DAILY MAIL (front page): “REVEALED – The bed Maddie spent her last night in, the 48 police questions Kate refused to answer…and the one she did”

Pages 4-5: “Police laid DNA trap for Gerry”

Pages 6-7: “The room where she met her fate”

Is it? Did she meet her fate in the room? Say who? And what was her fate? What crime was committed?

On the face of it, they depict mundane scenes – the clutter of the family dining table; the cramped bedroom shared by the three children; and the patio doors which would have kept the flat cool in the Portuguese summer. In one photo Madeleine’s favourite toy Cuddle Cat – which her mother has since carried with her constantly as a reminder of her daughter – appears to be on the bed where she was sleeping.


It is easy to imagine the excited chatter and children’s laughter that filled the room as the McCanns put their children to bed every night until the fateful evening of May 3, 2007.


DAILY EXPRESS (front page): “MADELEINE – Police lied to parents over ‘clues’ in car boot”

The Express, a bastion of truth, right and clear thinking deals with the facts!

“Police ‘misled’ Gerry claiming they had found Madeleine’s DNA in boot of car’”

Tsk! Duping people. For shame! Good job the Express is hear to deal with the facts.

“The agonising moments when Gerry McCann first realised his three-year-old daughter was missing were laid bare last night”

We’re watching the parents. Look how upset they are. Just look…

Posted: 5th, August 2008 | In: Broadsheets, Madeleine McCann, Tabloids Comments (215) | TrackBack | Permalink