Baby P: The Mother Revealed, Dad’s Grief And The X Factor
BABY P Watch: Anorak’s at-a-glance look at Baby P in the news…
DAILY MIRROR: “Baby P mum bid for new ID after jail”
Who’s to say she will get out of jail?
The mother of tragic Baby P could get a new identity when released from jail, it emerged last night.
Could. Such are the facts…
Tory MP Philip Davies said: “The taxpayer may have a huge bill to protect her rights. It’s offensive.”
May. Such is the outrage…
THE SUN: “A father’s grief for tragic Baby P”
A picture of a man weeping by the side of Baby P’s Sun shrine. The father?
A GRIEF-STRICKEN lawyer sobbed at Baby P’s memorial plaque yesterday. Dad-of-five Phil Simmonds was overcome after laying flowers at the growing shrine dedicated to the tragic tot.
It’s the Princess Diana moment. And touching of the Sun to take the picture and broadcast it. No privacy in the battle for Our Baby Of Hearts.
A stream of people, some with their children, visited the shrine around a granite memorial provided by The Sun.
Bring the kids. Make a day of it. It’s the Sun’s grief fest and everyone is invited.
Let’s hear it for the Sun. Hip-hip…
A billboard lorry with the message Justice For Baby P was driven to the offices of Haringey Council. Crowds cheered support as the truck drove to Westminster.
Then they threw flowers and the truck made its way to Althorp House…
And remember how Baby P’s ashes were scattered and their was no funeral. Well…
TRAGIC Baby P DID have a proper funeral — with 150 mourners and Eric Clapton’s moving Tears In Heaven playing. The 17-month-old lad’s emotional service in North London was revealed by relatives, angered by claims his ashes were uncaringly scattered in an unmarked plot after he died from horrific abuse.
And relatives said his natural father played a pivotal role in arranging a touching farewell to the 17-month-old, whose suffering has broken the nation’s hearts.
Any mention of how the Sun then stuck its plaque on the spot and land grabbed the child?
DAILY TELEGRAPH: “Baby P’s mother could get new identity and lifetime anonymity”
Baby P’s mother could be given a new identity at the expense of taxpayers after her release her prison, it has been disclosed.
The taxpayer will pay, unless the ITV This Morning team or Ten Years younger offers to change her face for free?
THE HERALD: “West’s involvement in Congo’s suffering”
Perspective, and decent google search result…
It is right to be shocked by the horrific suffering Baby P was put through. Civilians in Congo, including children, continue to suffer torture, hunger, rape and deaths just as terrible.
THE INDEPENDENT: “Richard Ingrams’s Week: Why say what you mean when you can use jargon”
Before looking at the facts in the case, say, of the Baby P tragedy, it helps to pay attention to the language used by officialdom in all its different grades.
You could start, I suppose, by noting the way the dead boy is not to be known by his name. By pinning, for whatever reason (legal or otherwise), the label Baby P on him, they immediately diminish his humanity and make him look like just another case history.
Get a load of that plaque. Thanks to the Sun Baby P is always Baby P…
DEBORAH ORR (Indy): “Deborah Orr: It’s easy to praise the public on decisions that don’t matter”
Campaigning citizens press for the names of the convicted torturers of Baby P to be named, even though the precaution is there only to protect his four living siblings. And in the US people watch a boy commit suicide, unable to tell what’s real and what’s fake.
No wonder people are so attached to Strictly Come Dancing and The X Factor.
It;s all entertainment…
THE mother of Baby P and her partner have been identified by vigilantes in an internet poster campaign. And it is feared that the friends and families of those responsible for the toddler’s death could face revenge attacks.
Let’s get the innocent.
DAILY MAIL: “So is Baby P’s mother wicked, stupid or simply unhinged?”
Her own background is just what you would expect: a broken family, squalor and neglect. She was born in the Midlands to a woman of Irish background, who spent most of the time smoking cannabis and was living with a door-to-door salesman.
Worked out who she is yet?
Eighteen months later, she parted from the salesman and moved with the baby to London. An older boy (either the salesman’s son or the result of some other relationship) remained in the Midlands.
After the salesman died in 1988, the older brother came to live with Baby P’s mother and grandmother in London. He is believed now to be in prison. When she was 12, Baby P’s mother was told by her own mother that ‘Dad’ was not her biological father after all…
More clues? Or just more perversion?
It is even claimed that she was conceived when the man she thought was her father paid another man to have sex with her mother while he watched. To the vast majority, this must seem too sordid to be true. But these people do not follow the normal rules of civilised society; they have chosen to live outside it.
CROYDON TODAY: “No guarantee Baby P case couldn’t happen in Croydon, admits council chief”
Well, yes. Dave Hill, the council’s director of children, young people and learners, might also admit that he cannot guarantee the buses will run on time and youths will not hang about looking moody…
KENT NEWS: “Baby P’ cruelty case prompts MP into action”
MP Paul Clark has today written to council chiefs to seek assurances that a ‘Baby P’ style child cruelty case could not happen in Medway.
Anyone with an ounce of sense think he get it?
Baby P: Like Diana’s Death, I Was There
Baby P: Spot The Ashes, Protect The Mum And Kilo The Cat
Baby P: Socialist Liberal Conservatives To Blame And Sterilising The Guilty
The Columnists Do Baby P: Death, Middle Class Evil And Porn
Margaret Beckett, Baby P And Social Workers
Posted: 22nd, November 2008 | In: Key Posts, Reviews 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink