South African Kills George Bush
IN South Africa, the local TV station is running a ticker that announces the death of George Bush.
The scrolling banner on ETV News says “George Bush is dead”.
Says spokesman Vasili Vass:
“The technical director pressed the wrong button, it took a second for the words to appear and then the words were on screen for only three seconds before they were taken off. We’ve learned from it, all test banners will now be done in gobbledegook.”
Of course, George Biush is dead might be a threat, words to be said with a hiss of venom. And which Geroge Bush, father or son? And now that George Bush is no longer leader of the Free World, is he worth the effort of murdering?
Anorak realls how the Queen Mother looked at Princess Diana’s funeral and lemented that the big send off was the one reserved for her. There’s a funeral for Bush out there – but which of them will get it first?
Posted: 13th, February 2009 | In: Politicians 13 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink