
Anorak News | Paparazzi Compare Michael Jackson’s Death To Winning FA Cup Final

Paparazzi Compare Michael Jackson’s Death To Winning FA Cup Final

by | 27th, June 2009

michael-jackson-ghostPAPARAZZI Compare Michael Jackson’s Death To Winning FA Cup Final…

MICHAEL Jackson Watch: Sky News is interviewing Kevin Smith, co-founder of Splash news agency. So Kevin, what do you think of it so far:

Kevin: “It’s like the FA Cup final”

Sky: How hard has it been for the paparazzi to photograph Michael Jackson?

Kevin: “It’s like photographing a ghost”

Michael Jackson RIP (Running Into Paparazzi).

Keep it tasteful

Posted: 27th, June 2009 | In: Celebrities 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink