
Anorak News | New Yorkers Get The Sperm Facial Beauty Treatment

New Yorkers Get The Sperm Facial Beauty Treatment

by | 12th, August 2009

spermWHAT will journalist Marty Beckerman do to get on? He heads to New York’s Spermine Spa and gets a sperm facial.

This might not be too hard for Marty because he already uses “Apricot cleanser”. Such is the state of manhood in New York. Says Marty:

Shared: August 4, 2009—after getting rejected by Every Publication in the World

Of course, the sperm facial is nothing new.

Not only do porn stars have incredible skin, but Oprah Winfrey uses scrotums. As we reported:

YOU’VE tried the placenta juice, and now for that all-over p[r]ick me up do as Oprah Winfrey and Barbara Walters do and immerse your face in baby foreskins.

The New York Daily News reports that Winfrey and Walters reverse the effects of aging with a face cream made by SkinMedica, whose TNS Recovery Complex costs $141.55 a bottle. A snip, literally.

So here’s Beckerhman pushing back the wrinkles of magazine journalism by having his face covered in sperm. It’s a crayzee insight into the state of the modern world. Only it says more about the desperate state of journalists.

Why would anyone buy his work when the real story is how the stuff is made, harvested and who makes the money from it?

This is tell and not show:

Posted: 12th, August 2009 | In: Reviews Comments (7) | TrackBack | Permalink