
Anorak News | Katy Perry’s God-Given Big Breasts, In Pictures

Katy Perry’s God-Given Big Breasts, In Pictures

by | 17th, August 2009

7604706KATY Perry is the wishy-washy popstar who if she were British would be on the team that commissions shows for BBC3, valued for her edgy input and lipstick lesbianism. Perry was brought up a Christian – her parents had a ministry – so she’d also do a stint on Songs of Praise and the Antiques Road Show, wooing the yoof market.

Katy Perry is safe – she will say just enough to may a few prudes call her a “caution” and not enough to be genuinely alluring or outrageous. Says she:

I remember really vividly kneeling by my bed as a nine-year-old, saying my prayers and asking God to give me boobs that were so big that if I laid on my back I wouldn’t be able to see my feet. Eventually that request was granted.”

God loves a big pair of tits. Which should come as no shock to Heidi Montag, who while every bit as religious as Perry was forced to earn enough to get her massive Jordans from a can. So too Carrie Prejean, Miss USA with the naughty pictures.

God works in mysterious way his wonders to malform.

Perry goes on:

“Every time before I go on stage, or go out where I know there will be a lot of Press, I take a skipping rope and spend about ten minutes, fully clothed, skipping.

“I look like Rocky. This way I can ensure that everything is firmly in place and I won’t have a wardrobe malfunction. Don’t want those boulders doing a show of their own.”

Maybe if a nine-year-old boy prays hard enough, though, it can happen?

She looks like Rocky – Sylvester Stallone got the boobs any nine-year-old girl would be proud of, what with them obscuring the feet from view as they creep down his legs…

Posted: 17th, August 2009 | In: Celebrities 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink