Susan Boyle’s Pre-Recorded Song For America’s Got Talent Final
SUSAN Boyle Watch: Susan Boyle sings on the live final of NBC’s America’s Got Talent and the world reacts.
Britain’s Got Talent superstar Susan Boyle has faced the biggest audience of her career, singing in front of 25 million viewers on US television. Well, not quite. Her performance was recorded the night before the show. What viewers saw was a recording made to look as if she were singing live. Still, not everyone noticed:
* “SuBo has received a “standing ovation” for her performance on America’s Got Talent, the sister version of the Britian’s Got talent” – Sky
Did you get off your sofa and clap?
* “Talent contest sensation SUSAN BOYLE is going down a storm in the U.S. – her performance on the finale of AMERICA’S GOT TALENT pulled in a staggering 25 million viewers” – Contact Music
* “The SuBo factor does seem responsible for the audience – the previous year’s top viewing figures never topped 12.8 million for an episode.”
* “An audience member, who saw her perform on the pre-recorded slot, said: ‘People were crying and cheering her after her performance.'” – Mail
* “It looks like she has received a small make-over too with brown hair and whiter teeth, but she has kept her charm” – Inquisitr
* “Wearing an elegant black dress and with her grey hair dyed dark brown, she appeared on stage with several backing singers. Following the performance the crowd gave her a standing ovation. A replayed interview with the singer revealed her new, positive attitude to singing after a tumultuous relationship with her new-found celebrity. ‘I used to be a kind of spectator looking outward at the world,” she said. “But now I’m part of that world and, though frightening, I’m going to embrace it'” – Telegraph
* “Devotees of the original Rolling Stones version of this often-covered weeper might object to Boyle’s stolid rhythmic sense, her utter lack of irony (irony is, after all, the essence of Mick Jagger), and her artistic choices, which transform “Wild Horses” from a complicated account of emotional confusion to a simple exclamation of longing. But mainstream America, at least as it’s portrayed on prime-time television, adores Boyle’s sunny vocal tone and her ability to turn even a song about a drug overdose into something worthy of church” – Ann Powers, LA Times
* “And it appeared there was a whole lotta lip syncing going on. Or maybe it was bad photography? The mouths of Shakira, Rascal Flatts and Susan Boyle didn’t match the sounds coming out. The show saved Boyle, the British singing sensation, toward the end. NBC said it was her first live performance in the United States. I’m not so sure about that. Well, she was standing on the stage, and she was alive” – Hal Boedeker Orlando Sentinel
* “Then Susan Boyle comes back to sing. WOW!! That woman can sing!! Wild Horses – unique sound. Beautiful! She’s awkward, but gorgeous at the same time” – Turnto10
As one NBC presenter put it:
“Susan Boyle was born in Scotland: the land of bagpipes, Braveheart and maybe even a big boy named Nessie.“
A land of fright-haired women who dare to wear a dress and are encoruaged to look like a clown half-way through make-up to sell records. A world of Susan Boyle…
Posted: 17th, September 2009 | In: Celebrities, Key Posts 8 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink