A Chicken Walks Into A KFC Every Day For A Year
A CHICKEN walks into the KFC on Indiana Avenue, Jackson, Mississippi.
A game of chiken? And what’s the chicken called? Heather Mills? No. Feather Mills? Ho-ho. No. Feather Quills? No. Enough already.
The chicken, let’s call it Popcorn, has been casing this branch of KFC nearly every day for the last few years.
On Wednesday, a news photographer saw the chicken walk right up to the drive-through window and start clucking at the employees inside. Employees said the chicken loves to eat corn and biscuits.
What other KFC chickens eat we cannot say, but they are partial to ketchup…
Posted: 18th, September 2009 | In: Strange But True 1 Comment | TrackBack | Permalink