Nasa Invites British To Test New Bomb On Moon
Forty years on from the first moon landing, British scientists find a way to bomb it…
NEIL Armstrong described the moon’s surface as “fine and powdery”. Buzz Aldrin, the man who came second, said the moon exhibited signs of “magnificent desolation”.
Forty years on, Nasa is still working out what to do with the moon, it’s big discovery; and has only now decided to bomb it.
When Anorak first heard the news that Nasa scientists will be “bombing” the Moon with two spacecraft, we supposed the moon had been earmarked as a zone in which to test weapons destined for the desolate sands of Iraq and Afghanistan.
But Nasa says the bombing run is an attempt to locate ice-water in the Cabeus south polar region, identified by a team from the University of Durham team as a site with high concentrations of hydrogen.
The Durham connection is notable. Having been foiled in getting a British rocket, bus or Spitfire onto the moon, the British now think it an idea to bomb it. If the moon can go away we can sleep easy, not having to wonder if it is a haven for illegal aliens or harbours a new strain of Leylandii.
To the moon bombs! Eat your heart out Barnes Wallace.
At 12.31pm LCROSS (Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite) and its 2.2 tonne empty Centaur launch rocket will slap into the moon. Soon after, the LCROSS satellite will zip through the debris in the second wave of the moon attack.
Note: The Sunday Sport was right!
Posted: 9th, October 2009 | In: Strange But True 7 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink