
Anorak News | Stephen Gately’s Death Becomes A Tale Of Gay Sex, Homophobia And ‘Murder’

Stephen Gately’s Death Becomes A Tale Of Gay Sex, Homophobia And ‘Murder’

by | 16th, October 2009

7894733STEPHEN Gately: Anorak’s look at Stephen Gately in the news: the X Factor plugs, the drugs, Georgi Dochev, gay sex, murder and more gay sex

IN “STEPHEN’S LAST HOURS”, the Sun continues the focuses on Stephen Gately, the Boyzone singer who yesterday was “Gately used dope” and is now “Stephen”.

He has been Stephen in the Sun before, notably when he was “Stephen killed by 8hr binge

And he was Stephen when he was:


Having established a rapport with the remains of Stephen Gately, in which he is Gately when there is talk of drugs and Stephen when he is being laid to rest, the Sun now re-introduces Bulgarian student Georgi Dochev, the 25-year-old who found the singer’s body.

THE “third man” who befriended STEPHEN GATELY and his partner on the night the BOYZONE star died saw his body the following day – but thought he was just sleeping and walked away.

The third man..? The mystery is turning into a thriller. Man dies from natural causes and the tabloids write their own plot.

The Sun has seen the testimony Mr Dochev gave Majorcan police.

The student, who met Stephen and Andy at a gay bar in Palma, also recalled the shocking moment when he finally realised the 33-year-old singer had died.

At the gay bar, gay bar. Is that relevant? Is the gayness relevant to dying of acute pulmonary oedema? That testimony:

“Last night, at around 1.30am, the witness found himself in a bar ‘Euphoria’ in Palma. He started a friendship with a couple of lads whose names he does not know. That after a while, in this bar, they left together to another bar called ‘Black Cat,’ staying there until approx 4am – and they invited him to accompany them home to carry on having a few drinks. Afterwards, at around 4.10am, the three of them took a taxi and went to the address of the couple he had met in Port Andratx. Once at the residence, they were talking and they became intimate, until 5.30am.”

Mr Dochev then went to bed. The other two remained on the sofa.

“Around half an hour later, he got up and he saw that the couple were sleeping on the sofa. One of them sat with his feet stretched out and the other curled up on the cushions in the foetal position. He sits next to the boy on the sofa and, looking at him, gets the feeling something is wrong as he was very motionless and he could see no breathing movements or little snores. He then took him by the hand and tried to wake him up without success.

He headed quickly to the partner of the dead boy’s bedroom and woke him up, saying something was wrong with his partner as he was not reacting.

Both of them headed to the lounge and tried to sit him up, seeing that he was very stiff and in a foetal position with his face on the cushion. On sitting him up, they saw his lips and face were blue and that a liquid was coming out of his mouth. As they thought that it was possible he had swallowed his tongue, his partner put a finger in his mouth. And, at that moment, they realised he was dead so they called the emergency services at between 1.15-1.30pm.”

A man has died. No mystery, then. No need to speculate nor encourage others to:

Asked if there had been an argument or anything else that might have made the singer angry, he replied: “No, everything happened like a normal night of partying.”…

Medics hope toxicology tests will determine if the cannabis or other substances acted as triggers.

And Mr Dochev, who has not spoken to the Sun, although his testimony is deemed good enough to cover their front page:

Last night Georgi was trying to tout his story to Spanish TV stations for £70,000.

Anyone else suppose that fee is too high for the Sun to pay?

He said he had been invited to Stephen’s funeral by the family. But he added: “I don’t know what the people will tell about me going to the burial because I know there will be some talking – if I’ve been his lover or not.”

And the story builds. And once a fake face has been written, it becomes repeated. And we get his, reported today by Newspost Online:

Late singer Stephen Gately from the band Boyzone died because of an eight-hour drinking binge, it has emerged.

So how has the Sun’s news gone down with its rival tabloids?


BOYZONE star Stephen Gately was involved in a three-in-a-bed romp with a hunky stranger hours before he died, it was claimed last night.

Was it? Well, no. Mr Dochev makes no mention of sex; indeed, the three were in the lounge.

The Times: “I had sex with Gately, says Bulgarian who found singer dead”

And the Mail’s Jan Moir delivers this loaded gem:

Through the recent travails and sad ends of Michael Jackson, Heath Ledger and many others, fans know to expect the unexpected of their heroes – particularly if those idols live a life that is shadowed by dark appetites or fractured by private vice.

Stephen Gately died of natural causes. So who’s next, Jan?

There are dozens of household names out there with secret and not-so-secret troubles, or damaging habits both past and present.

Robbie, Amy, Kate, Whitney, Britney; we all know who they are. And we are not being ghoulish to anticipate, or to be mentally braced for, their bad end: a long night, a mysterious stranger, an odd set of circumstances that herald a sudden death.

That’s not being ghoulish? Jan has more. She is officer Jan Moir of the Mail’s Yard:

But, hang on a minute. Something is terribly wrong with the way this incident has been shaped and spun into nothing more than an unfortunate mishap on a holiday weekend, like a broken teacup in the rented cottage..

The sugar coating on this fatality is so saccharine-thick that it obscures whatever bitter truth lies beneath. Healthy and fit 33-year-old men do not just climb into their pyjamas and go to sleep on the sofa, never to wake up again.

They do if they are not healthy and fit. And murder?

Whatever the cause of death is, it is not, by any yardstick, a natural one. Let us be absolutely clear about this. All that has been established so far is that Stephen Gately was not murdered.

No-one said he was.

And I think if we are going to be honest, we would have to admit that the circumstances surrounding his death are more than a little sleazy.

And then we get this piece of journalism – Stephen Gately died from gayness:

Another real sadness about Gately’s death is that it strikes another blow to the happy-ever-after myth of civil partnerships.

What myth – that gay people who get married can be like straight people who get married?

Daily Mirror: Stephen Gately’s death has haunted me, says Paul O’Grady

“Paul O’Grady decided to return to ITV in an emotional phone call with Louis Walsh about Stephen Gately. The star’s Channel 4 teatime show was facing draconian cuts, Sky had offered him “fistfuls of wonga” to jump ship and, waiting in the wings was ITV, the broadcaster he quit four years ago in acrimony.

But it was only the call about Gately’s death that let him know the direction he needed to take.

Over the newswires:

What happened the night Stephen Gately died was “not normal“, the man who found the Boyzone star’s body has said. Georgi Dochev, 25, who said he had been friends with Gately since last summer, said the singer’s death in his Majorcan apartment on Saturday had left him unstable. Speaking at his apartment block in Pont d’Inca, he said: “I’m really scared of falling asleep now in case I don’t wake up.”

Sky News: “Boyzone To Bring Home Stephen Gately’s Body”

Ronan Keating and his fellow Boyzone bandmates are flying to Majorca to bring home the body of Steven Gately.

“Stephen’s mother didn’t want him to be alone in the dark, so Ronan, Keith, Mikey and Shane have stepped up and will sit with Stephen’s body,” manager Louis Walsh told Sky News Online.

Leading to:

Belfast Telegrpah: “Last lonely journey for Stephen Gately”

And what of the send off?

Daily Record: “THE grief-stricken members of Boyzone will sing at Stephen Gately’s funeral, it was revealed last night.” A source said: “It’s what he would have wanted.”


“The boys will go to Majorca tomorrow (Friday) and bring him back to Dublin. They are going to stay with him all night in church because his mother says he wouldn’t want to be alone. We are going to give him the best send-off ever in Dublin on Saturday.”

Yesterday Stephen Gately made his debut as a press release. Now read on:

Isle Of Man: “Gately death to scupper Boyzone IOM appearance?”

Boyzone had been signed up to headline at next year’s Isle of Man Bay Festival Manx radio can reveal, just hours before the sudden death of singer Stephen Gately.

It’s believed his family has a history of tragically early deaths from coronary problems.

Festival promoter Jonathan Irving says he was shocked and saddened when he heard the news:.

The other members of the close-knit group are considering what they want to do following their loss before deciding on the future of the band – and whether they would still wish to appear on the Island.

The Sun: “Louis: X Factor acts are getting me through this”

X FACTOR judge Louis Walsh will miss tonight and tomorrow night’s X Factor shows – but last night he reassured fans: “I talk to my acts every day. They’re getting me through this.”

He said: “I love the X Factor – it’s the best job in the would. I’m so glad I’ve got it right now as Stephen’s death still hasn’t sunk in and it’s helping me cope. Every day I talk to Miss Frank and the twins. It really lifts me. I speak to my acts every day. I might be over in Ireland but they need me and I am there for them.”

Stephen Gately is dead – and the media milk his remains…

Posted: 16th, October 2009 | In: Celebrities, Key Posts 4 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink