The Death Of Susan Boyle, In Pictures
SUSAN Boyle Watch: Journalists are dreaming of Boyle’s funeral, her theme song and talking about her oxygen-starved brain…
ANOTHER day and with it another chance for the tabloids to knock Susie Simple, aka Susan Boyle, from her pedestal.
The Express spots Boyle on US TV:
Susan told her TV interviewer: “There was a lot of attention. I asked myself, ‘How do you cope with all this?’ I did have a period of self-doubt where I felt I wasn’t good enough. And there are times when, because I’m shy, I wished it would all go away. Sometimes you do think that, it’s only human nature.”
Indeed. She is only human. But Susan Boyle is not an average human. Once the tabloids told us she was an angel among us. She was a sign of God’s love. Now the tabloids never tire to telling readers that Boyle is less than average:
She also spoke about overcoming her learning difficulties caused by slight oxygen deprivation at birth. She said: “I do have a slight disability – I had difficulty trying to express myself properly and music is a release for me. I’ve grown up a bit, I’m more of a lady. I accept now that my life will never be the same and I don’t want it to end.”
Boyle must never be allowed to forget that oxygen starvation.
“It’s OK. It’s comfortable on my shoulders right now. I don’t feel pressure, I feel a sense of humility.”
So she is not cracking up, as the tabloids want readers to believe.
Boyle’s friends voice ‘breakdown’ fears
In the Mirror, Fiona Phillips delivers the mawkish:
Loved by millions but still all alone
Susan Boyle is alone – apart from her cat and her family and her fans…
America’s darling, Susan Boyle, has revealed that she wants Nellie The Elephant played at her funeral. Is it because she too, like Nellie, would like to pack her trunk and say “goodbye to the circus”, I wonder?
And trundled back to the jungle. And cried: “I’m A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Scotland!”
Not that anyone will be at Susan Boyle’s funeral:
After all, what’s the point of anything if you’ve got no one to share your experiences with? As Freddie once sang: “Can anybody find me somebody to love…?” It could be Susan’s song.
Susan Boyle’s song shold be a glorfied nursey rhyme says the caring Fiona Phillips? Is that because she was starved of oxygen at birth? Or is it because she’s fat? And how caring it is to talk of Susan Boyle’s death. Touching stuff.
Susan Boyle is the media’s resident victim, and no matter what her achievements are that is what she must remain until the day the media destroys her…
Posted: 28th, November 2009 | In: Celebrities 25 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink