
Anorak News | Climate Conference Opens With Screams Of Abused Children And Weeping Scientists

Climate Conference Opens With Screams Of Abused Children And Weeping Scientists

by | 11th, December 2009

TO Copenhagen, where the big heated debate on climate change opens with the wails and weeping of drowning children. Kill the kids. Not all of them – just some:

So what about Climate Gate those emails allegedly stolen from the University of East Anglia which suggest boffins manipulate the science to support the case for global warming.

Well, the Met Office has gathered 1,700 signatures from 100 scientific institutions including the Royal Society.

We, members of the UK science community, have the utmost confidence in the observational evidence for global warming and the scientific basis for concluding that it is due primarily to human activities.”

Humans. Tsk! Tim Wilson has swum to Denmark:

According to a helpful UNFCCC assistant registered NGO observers exceeds 20,000 and is so large that the UNFCCC Secretariat didn’t have time to enter them all into their computer system.

Meanwhile, 31,486 scenitists have signed this.


Anyone weeping yet?

Posted: 11th, December 2009 | In: Reviews 1 Comment | TrackBack | Permalink