
Anorak News | Silvio Berlusconi Knew He’d be Attacked But Dreamt Of Something Sexier

Silvio Berlusconi Knew He’d be Attacked But Dreamt Of Something Sexier

by | 14th, December 2009

berlusconi-hitSILVIO Berlusconi knew he would be struck in the face with a souvenir statuette, breaking his nose and teeth. The only thing his premonition didn’t tell him was what kind of statuette it was. He was looking for a young naked woman straddling a huge wooden cucumber with a picture his face on the front. He scanned the crowd and…Whammo! Milan cathedral.

Berlusconi is said to have told Paolo Bonaiuti, his spokesman, that “something might happen” because of the “climate of hate”.

And so it was that Massimo Tartaglia, a 42-year-old electronics engineer tossed the souvenir and offered the explanation: “I hate him.”

The official news is that Senior Tartaglia has a “history of mental illness”. The other theory is that he was pissed off…


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Posted: 14th, December 2009 | In: Politicians 1 Comment | TrackBack | Permalink