
Anorak News | Tiger Woods: Emma Rotherham ‘Deported’ And Rachel Uchitel’s Phone Call To Elin

Tiger Woods: Emma Rotherham ‘Deported’ And Rachel Uchitel’s Phone Call To Elin

by | 26th, January 2010

emma-rotherham-1TIGER Woods: Having introduced Emma Rotherham to the world beyond the 19th hole, an international battle is waged to claim ownership of Wood’s latest shag.

Tiger Woods’ Women (Alleged)

Anorak told you that Emma Rotherham is British. But says:

EXCLUSIVE: Mystery surrounds Tiger Woods’ Canadian mistress

This is a big deal. If Tiger shags Americans, Swedes and Canadians, then what for British golf groupies? If Woods shags American, Swedish and British golf nuts, then Canada is shunned, cruelly. The remedy is simple: Woods must break free from the sex addiction clinic and shag at least one woman from every golf-playing country in the world.

Josyln James (NSFW) reports:

Sources told The Province that Rotherham, 42, who was raised in Montreal may be in the United States illegally because she was deported a few years ago.

Over in Blighty, the Sun watches Tiger fall into the “TIGER TRAP”.

Holly Sampson In Film

The Sun transcribes a report that is now all over the web. The story goes:

“Tiger convinced Uchitel to talk to Elin. They spoke by phone for half an hour and she was satisfied that the relationship was platonic. The next day, after Woods fell asleep, Elin looked through his cell phone. There she found texts to Uchitel’s number. One said, ‘You are the only one I’ve loved.’


“Elin began texting Uchitel, pretending to be Tiger. Elin wrote, ‘I miss you, when are we seeing each other again?’

“Uchitel texted back, surprised Tiger was awake. At that point, Elin called Uchitel, who answered thinking it was Tiger.

“Elin said something like, ‘I knew it was you.’ Uchitel’s reply was ‘Oh f***’. She hung up immediately.”


Tiger had earlier taken a prescribed drug to help him sleep and end the bickering, the report claims.

But enraged Elin then woke her husband and lashed out at him, chasing him out of the house.

The shoeless star then drove down his driveway to escape but collided with a fire hydrant and a tree.

Both the fire hydrant and the tree remins f*cked – but unlikely to tells about their dalliance with Woods. But to keep the story alive, the Sydney Morning Herald has a question to ponder:

Tiger Woods’ Women (Alleged)

Is there such a thing as sex addiction?

Once upon a time, we called them lotharios or Don Juans. But today, men who chronically cheat on their wives have earned a different scarlet moniker: sex addicts.

Or slappers, as we know them to be…

Tiger Woods’ Women (Alleged)

Posted: 26th, January 2010 | In: Sports Comments (2) | TrackBack | Permalink