
Anorak News | Ashley Cole’s Wedding Coil Missing As Expert Advises Cheryl Cole Tries An Affair

Ashley Cole’s Wedding Coil Missing As Expert Advises Cheryl Cole Tries An Affair

by | 1st, March 2010

50272482DID you know that Cheryl Cole – the one who asked the media not to intrude on her private hell – is “SO SCARED”?

Cheryl, 26, said: “I’m scared stiff about being single again after all this time – petrified. I’ve been with him for so long.”

Anorak has long advised that Cheryl enact a revenge shag, a trial run to see if she likes it. If it’s not all that thrilling, then she can return to Ashley, albeit a woman on the score sheet.

Cheryl Cole And Ashley’s Marriage in pictures

If it’s great sex, she can continue with her affir or leave Ashley. Either way, Old Mr Anorak is prepared to do whatever it takes to make the nation’s sweetheart whole again.

Says Cheryl, privately:

“I know I’m doing the right thing by moving on. Deep down I know it’ll be OK.”

And Ashley? What of him? Where’s his wedding ring? Is it lost? Used as an emergency coil? Has he replaced it with a pay-as-you-go version?

A source said: “He has taken it off as a mark of respect – to show her he knows he’s messed everything up. He’s praying there will be a day he can put it back on again.He looks utterly miserable and spends his entire time texting on his mobile phone. He clearly can’t get Cheryl out of his mind.”

Respect. It’s all about the respect…

Ashley Cole’s Women (Alleged)

Posted: 1st, March 2010 | In: Celebrities Comments (8) | TrackBack | Permalink