Jack Straw’s Local Council Suspends Six Staff Over ‘Shocking Image Of A Naked Child’: Pictures
IT was reported on 25.02 that six council staff had been suspended for circulating an email with “a shocking image of a naked child“, writes Bat E Bird in the Forums.
Jack Straw, embroiled in the Jon Venables scandal, is wonderfully non-committal, saying:
“The allegations are disturbing. I hope that the investigation is thorough and as speedy as possible. If there is any wrong-doing discovered I am sure that the council will take urgent and firm action.”
Meanwhile, the usual experts are contacted:
” Claude Knights, director of children’s charity Kidscape, said: “Whatever the source of these pictures these are real children that have been abused.
“Images like these are degrading and each time they are viewed it is another level of degredation. “
This is what went round in the email
In linking to the rudey-cutesy-inane image of a boy with a penis dangled in a bowl of cereal are we guilty of fomenting abuse? Are you in looking at them encouraging the children’s degredation? Says Bat E Bird:
Is it really a sacking offence to circulate a link that’s already been around for ages?
Obviously, I could understand if some of the staff had made sinister pics of their own.
Should the pics just be considered as innocent children doing silly things or are some of them a bit much? Where do you draw the line?
Anyone looking at the images and getting sexually aroused is mad, dangerous or both. But did the sacked six see them as anything more than a bit of mindless fun? Or is the possibility that they might be aroused enough. Is the thought crime the thing?
The report in the Lancashire Evening Telegraph:
The e-mail, titled “Why boys need mothers”, contains 12 pictures of children misbehaving.
The images also include one boy swallowing a frog and another climbing into a fridge.
A spokesman for The Frog Liberation Front has yet to respond. And the HSE says climbing on fridges is dangerous for the environment…
Posted: 9th, March 2010 | In: Reviews 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink