
Anorak News | In Pictures: Justin Bieber’s Groupie Face Tops Cheryl Cole

In Pictures: Justin Bieber’s Groupie Face Tops Cheryl Cole

by | 23rd, May 2010

JUSTIN Bieber won the face off hands down at the Radio 1 Big Weekend, at Vaynol Estate in Bangor, North Wales. Cheryl Cole’s Grosvenor House grind was no match for Bieber. Jared Leto’s middle-aged coxcomb looked less a product of virility than a result of hairspray and bloody mindedness. Flarence Welch, of Florence and the Machine’s, Miss Havisham burka was a nice try. Ellie Goulding, Tinie Tempah and Alicia Keys’ ComfiSlax (Anorak own brand) were all trumped by Bieber’s face. This is the face the fans see when Bieber interviews for groupies. This is face of your honeymoon dreams, Bieberettes. This is face that walks into doors that say ‘push’ and still pulls…


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Justin Bieber performing on the Main Stage at the Radio 1 Big Weekend, at Vaynol Estate in Bangor, North Wales.

Posted: 23rd, May 2010 | In: Key Posts, Music 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink