
Anorak News | Inappropriate Child’s Toy Of The Day: The Orgasmic Toy Truck

Inappropriate Child’s Toy Of The Day: The Orgasmic Toy Truck

by | 10th, June 2010

INAPPROPRIATE Child’s Toy of the Day is the orgasmic truck. You’ve seen the sexy puzzle. You’ve sung along with the “Fuck With Me” toy teddy.You’ve read about the toy gun cosh. You’ve built an atomic bomb in your bedroom.

You’ve petted a dead cat. You bought a killer hamster. You thrilled to the Hamas suicide bomber children’s telly show. You lulled the nippers with PediState. You got perforated eardrums from the ballon gun. You got stoopid bricks. You got one of them. And you taught junior to swear like a parrot. Now:

Posted: 10th, June 2010 | In: The Consumer 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink