The BP Oil Spill Gets A Dead Whale And Barack Obama Alienates America’s Friends
VICTIMS of the BP Gulf of Mexico oil spill have a totem – a dead 25-ft sperm whale has washed up on the beach. And BP has Joe Barton.
Barack Obama Is Less Popular Than Offshore Drilling: BP News Round-Up
While the UK turns on Obama and realises that all that hope was just hype and hoopla, Americans are moving against their self-serving, grandstanding president.
BP Disaster 2: Carl-Henric Svanberg Feels For The ‘Small People’
Rep. Joe Barton has apoligised to BP at the start of Tony Hayward’s grilling. Hayward is the victim of a £20billion “shakedown”, a “slush fund” with “no legal state“.
Obama has the money. Big Government has the money. Lots of contracts need to be signed to clean the spill. And Big Government can do it better and more openly than corporations with shareholders?
Obama Moves To Take Over BP’s Goodwill Funds
Here’s the video. George Dubya Bush might have been crap but you knew where you were. You knew he was crap. And you could hit the target. With Obama, the world is a fluid place, where old allies are bollocked on the TV and the future is very uncertain…
Posted: 17th, June 2010 | In: Money 10 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink