
Anorak News | Kyron Horman: The Parents Divorce And Terri Moulton Horman Moves Out

Kyron Horman: The Parents Divorce And Terri Moulton Horman Moves Out

by | 29th, June 2010

KYRON Horman: Anorak’s at-a-glance look at the missing 7-year-old in the news:
Kaine Horman has filed for divorce from Terri Moulton Horman, Kyron Horman’s step mother – the last person we know to have seen Kyron Horman alive in Portland, Oregon, on June 4.

There’s already a whispering campaign around Terri Homan, and it’s set to get louder.

Kyron Horman: Media Guns For Terri Horman

But there is no evidence linking Moulton Horman with Kyron’s disappearance. All there is is innuendo and whispers. Terri Horman is not a “person of interest” to the police. She is not an official “suspect”. The police are “not talking about personal issues going on with the Hormans“. We know this because a police spokesman tells us.

Yeah, really. This is one case in whish the p9oclei are happy for the media to do the grubby work. People magazine says it is “50-50” Terri Horman will be arrested. We are being invited to speculate. the police can sit back and watch.

And here are Kyron Horman’s mother, Desiree Young, her husband, Tony Young, and Kaine Horman, releasing a statement. It contains no word on Moulton Horman, who is conspicuous by her absence:

Kyron Horman: Pictures, Step-Mother, Facebook And Timeline

We have been fully briefed by law enforcement on the on-going criminal investigation. We are in complete support of that investigation. We have asked the Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office to facilitate releasing this statement for us due to their access to the media/flash news.We understand that we have free access to the media but are limiting statements to the media to keep the integrity of the investigation intact.Any actions taken by the investigation, or by us, are based on the best interests of Kyron and Kiara and comply with the law. Beyond this, we have no comment on the matter.

Desiree, Tony and Kaine

Terri Moulton Horman is staying with her parents. Her father, Larry Moulton, tells media:

“It’s a very difficult time, and I’m just here to support my daughter. We’ll leave it at that.”

You will. But the media will  not… More news:

The source said the restraining order is a physical restraining order that is meant to protect the couple’s 18-month-old daughter, Kiara.

“FBI profiler” Candice talks with Larry King on the telly:

Well, here’s what we have to believe if we believe her. We have to believe, as Marc Klaas said, that if she is telling the truth that someone, a pedophile, a boogie man of sorts, grabbed that little boy within feet of her and within seconds of her turning away from her child inside the school,” Delong said. “And then we are to believe that since he’s been gone three weeks that the child, that they got away with it. With all kinds of people around and no one saw a thing. That’s pretty hard to believe. Could it happen? Possibly. Is it likely that that’s what happened? I don’t think so.”

Spotter: Cheryl

Kyron Horman: The Questionnaire, The Sightings And The Finger Pointing

Kyron Horman: Terri’s Polygraph, The Molesting Uncle And Armchair Detectives


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Posted: 29th, June 2010 | In: Key Posts, Reviews 2 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink