
Anorak News | Kyron Horman: Without The Media The Police Have Nothing?

Kyron Horman: Without The Media The Police Have Nothing?

by | 15th, July 2010

KYRON Horman: The police and media are giving the big sideways eyes to Terri Horman, the boy’s step-mother. But she is a free women. She is not a suspect. There is no evidence to suggest she had a hand in the boy’s vanishing. But the police don’t seem to be looking at anyone else.

News is that police have asked the media for footage of interviews with potential witnesses.

The request is so that investigators can make sure they have “dotted every i and crossed every t,” said Travis Gullberg, a sheriff’s office spokesman.

Investigators investigate.

“There’s nothing new,” Gullberg said. “There’s nothing to read into this.

Sure. When the police make an announcement and get the media involved we should all not read anything into it.

Says the news report:

The sheriff’s office already has conducted interviews twice — and in some cases four times — with parents, students, school officials and others since Kyron disappeared almost six weeks ago. But some of those interviewed have given different stories to TV crews, he said, and the sheriff’s office wants to follow up on any information that may have been missed.

It’s called investigating. It’s usually secret. But here the police want to tell you about it. And don’t ask any questions. Because the police have no answers…

Spotter: Cheryl


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Posted: 15th, July 2010 | In: Reviews 3 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink