
Anorak News | Rochdale Rips Out ‘Muslim Toilets’ From Shopping Centre

Rochdale Rips Out ‘Muslim Toilets’ From Shopping Centre

by | 7th, August 2010

“MUSLIM toilets” for Rochdale update: the Manchester Evening News reports that those “Eastern style squatting toilets” earmarked for the Rochdale Exchange Shopping Centre are not to be.

‘Muslim Toilets’ Blocked In Rochdale And Other Bullshit Daily Star News

Well, they have already been installed. But they are to be ripped out due to “public outrage nationwide”. Those Parisian-style toilets by the multi-story car park between pillars 1 and 4 remains in use. This man prefers to use his own mobile facilities like many civilised Westerners.

Rochdale’s ‘Muslim-Only Toilets’ And Other Daily Star Crap

The last word on this matter is with Councillor Irene Davidson, Rochdale council leader. It appears that Cnc. Davidson was in a hurry when she spoke:

“I have had one threatening and one extremely rude letter about these and I would like an apology from the Exchgange because they haven yet to say publicly that they were reponsible. The toilets are there but they will not be used, and their future is short. Ia am absolutely shocked at how the council has been treated. [sic]”

Helen Johnson, who brings us those words was not “vacant” but “engaged” when we called to offer her job as Anorak’s chief sub…

Spotter: Upstanding Anoraken

Posted: 7th, August 2010 | In: Reviews Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink