
Anorak News | Is Kylie Minogue Sexier Than Her Music?

Is Kylie Minogue Sexier Than Her Music?

by | 9th, August 2010

KYLIE Minogue says she is no “love goddess”. And, as the Sun says, Kylie “reckons her songs are sexier than she is”. What she actually says is:

“There are a lot of couples who have got together while listening to my music. My songs are not exactly unsexy. When I put it like that, it sounds like my role is to provide an aphrodisiac.”

So are her songs sexier than her? As Kylie gave full throat to the X-rated Locomotion:

You gotta swing your hips now
Come on baby, jump up, hmmm jump back
Oh well I think you got the knack

Giving way to the disgusting:

Now that you can do it
Let’s make a chain now

Back then Kylie only needed words and fizzy hair to make our legs go bandy. Now she needs a bit more flesh:


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Posted: 9th, August 2010 | In: Celebrities 1 Comment | TrackBack | Permalink