
Anorak News | Julian Assange Loses His Cool To Alleged ‘Rape Victim’ Anna Ardin – Wikileaks Is Scooped

Julian Assange Loses His Cool To Alleged ‘Rape Victim’ Anna Ardin – Wikileaks Is Scooped

by | 24th, August 2010

IS ANNA Ardin, as alleged in numerous reports, the woman who claims Wikileaks founder Julian Assange sexually molested her? Hers is, apparently, the story Wikileaks was scooped on.

Is it a plot to undo Assange and Wikileaks? If it is a plot, it is clever. Assange and his site possess an otherwordliness. They operate beyond the normal confines. But if he can be pinned down – and on top of a woman – the allure is lost. Wikileaks is no longer cool. It becomes irrelevant.

What do we know about Anna Ardin? On her old blog page – now deleted, Ardin writes a mini bio:

My feminist reflections and comments on animal rights, Swedish politics and Cuba from a political scientist, Christian left and long distance runner will from now on be published at“

Gawker tells us:

Anna Ardin, thepolitical secretary and press officer of the Swedish “Brotherhood Movement,” a group of Christians from the Social Democratic Party controversial for inviting anti-Semitic speakers to the country

They had also invited Assange to speak.

Nicholas John Mead looks at the organs behind the news:

Assange has been in Sweden to arrange this deal and also agreed to write a column for centre-left Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet (the main rival to Expressen who “broke” this “story”), the first of which was due to be released today. Incidentally, Aftonbladet have decided to postpone publication in the light of the rape allegations.

Assange is duly interviewed by Aftonbladet:

Have you had sex with them?

“Their identities have been made anonymous so even I have no idea who they are.”

Have you had sex at all during your stay in Sweden?

This is something I am entitled to keep private and also to preserve the privacy of the women.

But is it not best in this situation to be as transparent as possible?

Yes, but I do not want to drag people’s private lives through the dirt without having the whole situation clear to me.

Why have they turned to the police? What lies behind their actions? What I can say is that I have never, either in Sweden or in any other country, had sex with someone that they haven’t consented to.

What do you think of the police and the prosecutor’s conduct?

Nobody has asked me about my version of the story.

What is your side of the story?

I want to know more about what I am accused of before I say anything about it.

You are suspected of molestation.

Nothing I have done applies to this allegation.

How would you sum up this Saturday?

Neither the prosecutors or police have been in contact with me. However, I’m glad that the Swedish authorities quickly checked the women’s stories and struck-down allegations of rape. Apparently it is because a prosecutor with a higher rank took over the investigation and changed the decision to arrest me. The first prosecutor should be criticized however as well as the media who have blindly reported on the allegations.

So. Is it all a conspiracy to smear Assange, as some might suppose? Some of Wikileaks servers are based in Sweden. The rape allegation was reported and then dismissed in the public eye.

One site serves this up as evidence:

Mattias Ardin – a cusin of Anna Ardin is a soldier in Afganistan. The CIA conection is hot again.

It’s not much to go on, is it?

On her now deleted wordpress blog, Anna Ardin has a piece on revenge:

One reason for revenge

I’ve been thinking about some revenge over the last few days and came across a very good side who inspired me to this seven-point revenge instruction in Swedish.

We have no idea is Anna Ardin was  molested or not. All we know is that the story is out there. In interview, one of the women tells us, cryptically

One of two women involved told Aftonbladet in an interview published today that she had never intended Assange to be charged with rape. She was quoted as saying: “It is quite wrong that we were afraid of him. He is not violent and I do not feel threatened by him.”

Speaking anonymously, she said each had had voluntary relations with Assange: “The responsibility for what happened to me and the other girl lies with a man who had attitude problems with women.”

Sources close to the woman said that issues arose during the relationships about Assange’s willingness to use condoms.

No hiding place for Wikileaks. No leaks.

In her interview, she dismissed the idea, seized on by many conspiracy theorists that ‘dirty tricks’ lay behind the rape allegations, because of WikiLeaks’ defiance of the US government. She said: “The charges against Assange are of course not orchestrated by the Pentagon.”

And on its goes. And the more it goes on, the more Assange loses his cool of an international man of mystery and begins to look like a normal techie with a website and a hard on…

Julian Assange denies any wrongdoing. He has neither been arrested nor charged with rape.

Posted: 24th, August 2010 | In: Key Posts, Reviews 44 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink