
Anorak News | New York Subway Train Hits Man’s Head: Monsters, Balls And Halle Berry’s Rescue

New York Subway Train Hits Man’s Head: Monsters, Balls And Halle Berry’s Rescue

by | 1st, November 2010

WILL Rokos was hit in the head by a New York Subway train. He lived. The New York Post says the man lying on the platform wrote the film Monster’s Ball. This adds a layer to the story.

The New York Post says Rokos “could pen a movie about his experience”. He could but it would be pretty dull, unless he can fall in love with the women who picked up her own head and discover an amazing reason why the witche’s hat that bought parts of the London Underground to a standstill (but how can you tell?) .

Anyhow, here’s the outline for the plot:

Cops said Rokos was waiting inside the 14th Street station at Seventh Avenue for a No. 2 train Saturday afternoon when he leaned over to peer down the tunnel.

Then… Yep. Unlike Rokos, you can see what’s coming:

Suddenly, the northbound train barreled into the station, striking Rokos in the head. The impact sent him flying into the platform, where straphangers found him lying on his side.

What happened next? Well Halle Berry arrived and all her clothes fell off…

Posted: 1st, November 2010 | In: Strange But True 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink