Lily Allen Loses Baby On Twitter: Triggers Orchestrated Grief And Mourn Porn
LILY Allen is no longer pregnant, having lost her baby. She was six months pregnant. Sad news. For her. It is a bereavement. But to the tabloid media and grandstanding celebrities looking to show strangers how much they care it is a matter of national solidarity and orchestrated mawkish pity. The front-page headline commands readers to:
For a paper that sucked up regurgitated ever line Alistair Campbell spun – he who told Tony Blair: “I’m sorry, we don’t do God” – this looks like opportunism to get a celebrity on the cover. But, then, we read on and realise that Lily Allen is the source of the quote. She went on Twitter to tell her followers (fans and showbiz hacks looking for a quote on a slow new day):
“Say a little prayer.”
Her spokesman then says that Allen and her partner Sam Cooper “ask that their privacy be respected and that they be left alone”.
So. Here’s ex-Spice Girl Emma Bunton– the one called… Baby – to jump on Twitter to tells one and all:
“Thinking of Lily Allen and her partner at this very sad time.”
Here’s Myleene Klass to opine:
“I am so truly sorry and sad for you both and your family.”
Sorry and sad. That should do it.
Lorraine Kelly, without whom no national mourning is complete, offers:
“sincere condolences… so so sad.”
Because unless you confirm your sincerity you might look like you’re just advertising your goodness in a public space accessible from your mobile phone when a small handwritten note given to Allen’s agent to pass on might have been better, sincere even.
To the Sun, she is “tragic Lily Allen”. It’s front-page news. The Express calls it a “tragedy”, again on its front page.
Deirdre Sanders, the Sun’s agony aunt, jumps in to confirm:
No. We don’t. We fee sympathy for her but it gives us no pain. We read the news and then turn the page to read about something else. Or we go on Twitter to tell everyone how pained we are and muscle in on the story and the emotion…
Posted: 2nd, November 2010 | In: Celebrities, Key Posts 52 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink