
Anorak News | Bolton’s Votes Pastie Barm Top Food: Ormskirk In Quiche Shame

Bolton’s Votes Pastie Barm Top Food: Ormskirk In Quiche Shame

by | 5th, November 2010

THE results are in and the number one food delicacy in Bolton is the… pastie barm. For non Boltonians this is a pastie in a bread muffin.

Greenhalgh’s bakers has the full results. Invading spies looking to blend in, pay attention:

Bolton: pastie barm
Wigan: pie
Accrington: steak puddings
Leyland: butter pies
Ormskirk: quiche and spicy vegetable soup


And it’s no good dressing it up spicy vegetable soups – or the minestrone as high-minded and effete Ormskirkians doubtless call it. The damage has been done.

The only thing to do is rebrand the imported quiche. Who’s for pukey pie?

Spotter: Karen

Posted: 5th, November 2010 | In: The Consumer 1 Comment | TrackBack | Permalink