
Anorak News | Donna Hall: Rock Chick Or Fibber? Was Lancashire Council Boss Really In Chumbawamba?

Donna Hall: Rock Chick Or Fibber? Was Lancashire Council Boss Really In Chumbawamba?

by | 5th, November 2010

THE boss of Wyre Council is Donna Hall. She is also the chief executive of Chorley Council. She was in Chumbawamba, who had a hit with Tubthumping and chucking water over John Prescott at the Brits.

Only, the agent for that band, one Chris Wade, says:

“Donna Hall has never been a member of the band. No-one from the band had ever heard of her, until all this erupted.”

Ah, now Ms Hall recalls:

“To be absolutely clear, it was 20 odd years ago and I did street theatre and I did perform with Chumbawumba but I was never in the band.”

So who was it on the BBC radio show in 2008 – two years ago – who under the headline ‘Donna Hall on her rock chick past’ said:

“I kind of dropped out for a couple of years and was in a band. I was actually in Chumbawumba. It’s a little known fact.”


“I used to sing and play guitar, but it was a very long time ago so don’t ask me to sing any songs.”

As it say in the BBC:

Being told you are in the top 5 for anything must be great; being told you sit in the top 5 of the Country for most inspiring woman must be remarkable. Donna Hall was indeed voted the 5th top national executive in the country and the now Chief Executive of Chorley Council was once part of Chumbawamba! Chumbawhat you may say…

Here’s Donna:

Now she says:

“I’ve built my reputation on being a good chief exec and making Chorley a better place – not on being in a band. The rumour was started before I even came to Chorley and people still ask me about it all the time. I’m not embarrassed by it. It was a long time ago.”

Rumour, eh…

“This is nothing but an attempt to discredit me and my career and I’ve had enough of it. If people have a problem with anything I’ve said or done, I wish they would come and talk to me personally without all this surreptitious manoeuvring by a very small group of politicians.”

I get knocked down, but I get up again. You nay ever gonna keep me down…

Posted: 5th, November 2010 | In: Key Posts, Politicians 10 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink