
Anorak News | Coventry Teen Darius Gill ‘Knifed’ On Facebook By Muslims And Whites

Coventry Teen Darius Gill ‘Knifed’ On Facebook By Muslims And Whites

by | 17th, November 2010

DARIUS Gill is 13. He lives in Coventry. He attends Sidney Stringer Academy He wrote in praise of the British troops in Afghanistan: “RIP TO ALL THE LADS WHO NEVER MADE IT HOME.” And then he was targeted on Facebook by five boys and one girl. They called him a racist.

They are all aged 12. The Mail says they are “five Muslim boys and one white girl”.

One white girl? Is she a Muslim? Or is Islam is now a colour in the Mail?

The Sun forget the white girl totally:

FIVE Muslim schoolboys threatened to kill a classmate on Facebook — because he posted comments supporting BRITISH troops.

The Coventry Telegraph says two pupils threatened him.

Darius’s father is “Asian”. His mother is “white”. His religion is not given. Here is a selection of messages posted:

“Fight on Monday gonna be heavy knuckle dusters nd knifes hopefully I don’t die.”

“ill bang him ma slef am a terrorist.”

The idiotic youths, allegedly, planned to attack Darius, who cannot have enjoyed the threats. His mum Clare Allington read the comments. She withdrew him from school. Says she:

“If I hadn’t read the threats and pulled my son out of school he could be dead. They might just be school children but they are fanatical and dangerous. The threats have to be taken seriously.”

One preteen wrote, poetically:

“You better watch what the **** flies outta ya mouth. Or I’ma hijack a plane and fly it into your house Burn your apartment with your family tied to the couch. And slit your throat, so when you scream, only blood comes out.”

Says school Principal Wendy Thomas:

“Darius is the victim of bullying. All the students involved have told me they did not mean what they said but they will learn a hard lesson from this.”


“No weapons were found on any of the pupils. We notified the police…”

Or as the Daily Star says on its front page:


Do you see? Yeah, what knife attack? There wasn’t one. It’s the Star referring to the pre-teens thought crimes? And aren’t the “Muslim” kids also “Brit schoolboys”?

It was a “Deadly row”.

Only. No-one died. But one boy’s bad time at school was turned into a chance to bash Muslims…

Posted: 17th, November 2010 | In: Key Posts, Reviews 3 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink