Jared Loughner Killed Buckwheat
JARED Loughner Media Industries presents THE SHOOTING OF BUCKWHEAT: PART TWO (first viewed March 19th, 1983). Why he did he do it? Well, grammar / Muslims / Sarah Palin / God / a drawing /a map / marijuana / liberal ideals / Hitler / a grudge/ a question / Barack Obama / Chicago and gun law made him do it. He might also have been mentally ill.
Before shooting 20 people – killing six – Jared Loughner called his friend Bryce Tierney at 2am. He never took the call. He now says:
“I sort of wish I would have,” Tierney said in an interview with Mother Jones. “I wonder what would have happened if I answered it.”
When Tierney heard that Giffords had been shot, his mind immediately turned to his close friend Loughner: “They hadn’t released the name, but I said, ‘Holy shit, I think it’s Jared that did it.’”
Remember this from Saturday Night Live?
TED KOPPEL: (voice-over)
John David Stutts spent his childhood here, in this modest home in Lima, Ohio. Everyone who knew him called him a loner, a quiet young man. Stutts attended Sunday school at the Mercy Seat Baptist Church.MERCY SEAT BAPTIST CHURCH PASTOR:
He was a loner, and a quiet young man. He attended church, and Sunday school. I remember he was always very polite.TED KOPPEL: (off camera)
Do you believe he killed Buckwheat?MERCY SEAT BAPTIST CHURCH PASTOR: (without hesitation)
Oh, yes. Definitely. That’s all he talked about.
Posted: 11th, January 2011 | In: Reviews 2 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink