Edward Wollard Frees Up University Place: Should Student Rioter Pay For His Re-Education?
EDWARD Woollard, 18, a former A-level at Brockenhurst College, has been jailed for two years and eight months in a young offenders’ institution for lobbing a fire extinguisher from a seventh floor rooftop onto the crowd below on November 10 2010.
The judge told him:
“The right of peaceful protest is a precious one. Those who abuse it and use the occasion to indulge in serious violence must expect a lengthy sentence of immediate custody…. It is perhaps ironic that the weapon which you threw down from the top of this very high building and which was calculated to inflame passions was a fire extinguisher.”
So, Wollarrd will continue his study in jail, at the school of hard knocks. How much does that cost the taxpayer, then? More than £9k a year? Maybe Wollard should be made to make a contribution.
Says reader June:
Stunned that it would be so long, but he is obviously thoughtless in throwing the thing anyway to say the least or of evil intent on not caring where it landed.
The judge also commented on ‘peaceful’ protests and how precious they are, and violence needs to be nipped in the bud.
Also it might deter other thoughtless young people from being seduced by the activists.
The days of Nulab clearly are over and personal responsibility just might make a return.
Posted: 11th, January 2011 | In: Reviews 1 Comment | TrackBack | Permalink