4Chan Turns In Ali Saad For Making Threats To Massacre Students
4CHAN has turned the FBI onto a Michigan-based member named Ali Saad. He wrote about shooting more people at his community college than Virginia Tech mass murderer Seung-Hui Cho. He’d use an AK 47. He’d film it and livestream his murders on Stickam.
Saad claims his comments on the /b/ board were a joke.
The FBI are not famed for their humour and raided his home in Dearborn. Last November they seized his computers, in which they found… child porn. He now faces felony charges for posting the threats and for downloading child porn.
There is child porn on 4Chan; and childish porn. The sticky fingers of adolescence does stupid things to shock and amuse . But the next part of the story is odd: the FBI says Saad researched past shootings like that at Columbine and Virginia Tech.
By the same token, so have we at Anorak. So has anyone who reads about war and rape and murder. Looking does not equate to doing. Does your mind download when you look and store the image in your head?
Saad’s trial begins on February 25th.
Spotter: Cheryl
Posted: 9th, February 2011 | In: Reviews 12 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink