
Anorak News | Daily Mail Insults Japan With City Traders’ ‘Perfect Storm’

Daily Mail Insults Japan With City Traders’ ‘Perfect Storm’

by | 16th, March 2011

ALEX Brummer, the Mail’s City Editor, is showing readers that the death and destruction in Japan might hurt the British. To compare the risk felt by a loss of cash to the loss of life and home is disrespectful to the Japanese. The City pages have no place amid photos of massive destruction. They only serve to make British readers part of the story. But they are not.

But worse than that is the sub-editor who has headlined Brummer’s words with:

ALEX BRUMMER: Tsunami adds a new wave of global risk

MONDAY VIEW: Global economies will be rocked by Japan aftershock

And best of the lot is today’s tasteless headline:

Global stock markets tumble in ‘perfect storm’

Yep. Perfick…


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Posted: 16th, March 2011 | In: Money 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink