Public Enemy’s Flava Flav Arrested By “Rookie Ass Cop”
IT isn’t unusual to hear news of a rapper getting arrested. In fact, its such a frequent occurrence that some think there’s something of a police conspiracy against wealthy black men (exemplified by Mos Def, here).
However, in some cases, you suspect stupidity may have a hand in it. Step up, class clown, Flava Flav.
The Public Enemy member and, more lately, reality TV star (and unfathomable shag-object of the terrifying Brigitte Neilsen) was jailed in Las Vegas on Friday after a simple traffic violation.
Sadly for our Flav (real name: We’re not telling because you don’t need to know it every time you read an article about Elton John or Cliff Richard), the cops discovered he already had four outstanding warrants for his arrest.
LVPD spokesman Bill Cassell said that Flav was wanted for driving without proof of insurance, a parking violation and two cases of driving without a license.
However, Flav took to his Twitter account to recount events with typical good humour:
“Hey y’all this is FLAVOR FLAV, I was on my home from Benihana’s I got pulled over by a curious Rookie Ass Cop.”
“He found out I had a traffic warrant wanted to make a name for himself took me in and now I’m home laying my bed what’s the big deal?!”
Christ! Maybe there IS a conspiracy?! Still, Flav wasn’t done.
“At least, I cleared up my shit. Some people are still on the run!”
The Celebrity Police Force is at large…
Posted: 3rd, May 2011 | In: Music 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink