
Anorak News | Sexy Fred Goodwin’s Grubby Secret: Shagging On The Glass Ceiling

Sexy Fred Goodwin’s Grubby Secret: Shagging On The Glass Ceiling

by | 19th, May 2011

SIR Fred Goodwin, aka “Shagger”, has had to give up the fight and had his super injunction partially overturned.

It had been in place to prevent us calling him a banker and hide the fact that along with Adam Applegarth (former Northern Rock CEO who was, allegedly, shagging Amanda Smithson from the company’s buy-to-let division) Sir Fred was bumping the uglies with a woman on his senior staff instead of stopping the world’s worst banking melt down.

If you are going to shaft the country, what’s an old colleague for? After all, as every RBS financier knows and brags churlishly while chuckling over the RBS sponsored Rugby match after dinner port, they are women burnishing the glass ceiling with their backsides!

Edinburgh’s Royal Bank of Scotland insiders are already hinting today’s news explains why the not-banker’s desk was reputedly brightly polished fresh for every morning meeting.

Fred the head of RBS played no small part in the international banking breakdown. When he was called in by Treasury officials to find out just how much money was needed to stop the bank sinking without trace he gave them a figure for the next month’s coverage. The officials laughed outright and told him twice the quoted amount was needed that afternoon!

He was left to sit outside the vital talks twiddling his thumbs along with HBOS and other top non-bankers. Under his genius, hard work, skill, talent and unremitting shredding style of management the RBS ran up the worst debts and trading position a British bank has ever had.

After he was forced out to walk away with a huge protected pension it turned out the debt was so colossal it would eventually work out at several times the cost of World War Two.

Everyone should be happy to not call this utter and complete snout-nosed trougher a banker and be more than happy not to mention his nefarious activities with a senior staffer.

The complete and utter tosser had managed to shag every single one of us for more money than we have ever earned…or probably ever will.

The High Court has allowed details of the action to be published and we await, with only casual interest for the full griff.

What is still an insult and injury to every single RBS customer, shareholder and even some bonus bloated employees – they are still getting hundreds of thousands worth of bung/wonga in their annual review snout bags – is the fact not one criminal charge has been found to suit the total Git’s degree of national theft and total incompetence.

They used to shoot knackered studs didn’t they?

This order was lifted by Mr Justice Tugendhat, sitting in London, he varied the injunction to allow publication of Sir Fred’s name, but not details of the alleged relationship and the name of the woman.

Judge Tugendhat is known as the good guy on the super-injunction circuit by an embittered press pack. He is the Judge who also overturned the John Terry super injunction.

The revelations are just a good start – the High Court should wake up and lift every single one of these gagging orders which can only be obtained by the super-rich.

If these so called celebs use the public or their fan-base for any sort of gain, and that is entertainment, sport, politics or big city tycoon, they give up the right to be wrapped in cotton wool when caught bare-arsed as they foul their own nests.

If they are that stupid it is a public necessity and duty others are warned. – AGW

Posted: 19th, May 2011 | In: Key Posts, Money 17 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink