
Anorak News | Man Who Ate Pet Snake’s Live Baby Hairless Rat Meal Pleads Innocence

Man Who Ate Pet Snake’s Live Baby Hairless Rat Meal Pleads Innocence

by | 23rd, June 2011

ANDY Ray Harries is alleged to have eaten a live, hairless baby rat. And lived. He was going to feed the live, hairless baby rat to a pet snake. But instead he ate it, allegedly, and then posted a video of his meal on the web.

As a result of that, Utah’s Andy Ray Harris, 31, has been arrested and charged with aggravated cruelty to an animal, a class A misdemeanor.

Guilty? Innocent? The law will decide. But the charge is an odd one. Feeding the rat to a caged shake is not cruel? Feeding the rat to a free human is cruel? Was he cruel to the snake that failed to get its treat? Or was he cruel to the rat, which was chewed instead of being swallowed whole?

There are millions of rats killed as pests each year. Might it be better if more of us ate them? Isn’t cheap protein the dream of modern living…

Posted: 23rd, June 2011 | In: Reviews 2 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink