
Anorak News | Chrissy Iley Tallk Bravely To Andrea Corr: Wallow In This

Chrissy Iley Tallk Bravely To Andrea Corr: Wallow In This

by | 24th, June 2011

ANDREA Corr, formerly tabloid favourite Andrea Phwoar of The Corrs, is talking to Chrissy Iley in the Telegraph. Iley is not afraid to be brave in the face of fame:

Now 36, she’s as gorgeous as ever, svelte and smiling in a Vera Wang top with flawless skin and sparkling eyes.

And then it got braver:

She is coming up to her second wedding anniversary to Brett Desmond, a hedge-fund manager and son of the Irish billionaire Dermot Desmond, whom she married (in front of celebrity guests including Bono) at a golf club in County Clare.

Bono! Wow! An then got braver still:

Both her part in Brian Friel’s play Dancing at Lughnasa and the role of Jane Eyre required her to be plain. Corr, experiencing an emotion that perhaps only the truly beautiful can understand, was thrilled with the idea of looking drab. Did they have to use special ugly make-up? ‘No, I just wore very little make-up. There’s a plain girl in everybody.’I remember when I did a shoot for the poster for Dancing at Lughnasa, the girl who was doing my hair said, “I’m sorry, this isn’t going to be very flattering.” And I thought, “Oh good!” I really wallowed in that lack of vanity.’

Wallow on. They’re even better at being ugly than you…

Posted: 24th, June 2011 | In: Music 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink