Charlize Theron Thinks That Marriage Is For Idiots
MARRIAGE? That’s for idiots. Why on Earth would anyone want to get something as precious and fragile as love and get the government and church involved? You’re just asking for trouble. And Charlize Theron agrees.
The actress thinks that long-term commitment, not marriage, is the priority for her in a relationship. She can afford stupid rings and is the centre of attention wherever she goes, so sod dressing up like a meringue and throwing a party that is, essentially, the same as a funeral, but the star of the show actually gets to enjoy the post-gig drink.
Theron says:
“I really want for myself a long-term relationship, and I have been in long-term relationships. That’s the kind of union that I want. The actual ceremony is not something that is important to me, but I see the importance for other people.”
“I treat my relationships like marriages, I really do. [Marriage was] “never something that was important.”
However, she’s not totally against it, especially when it concerns people who aren’t allowed to get married. We’re talking about gay people here who have bafflingly been denied the right to pointless matrimony.
“It’s a divine right, and when government starts to tell us who can love and what is good love … I do have a problem with that.”
“I do have a problem with the fact that our government hasn’t stepped up enough to make this federal, to make [gay marriage] legal.”
So yeah! Marriage! It’s for idiots! Unless you’re gay, but you’ll soon come ’round to the idea that it is a stupid, stupid thing to sign up to.
Posted: 1st, July 2011 | In: Celebrities 1 Comment | TrackBack | Permalink