
Anorak News | Chelsea Ives Is Star Of London Olympic Torch Rally And Riots

Chelsea Ives Is Star Of London Olympic Torch Rally And Riots

by | 11th, August 2011

CHELSEA Ives is an Olympic Ambassador for the London 2012 Games. That’s her being reported to police by her mum Adrienne for allegedly tossing chocolate-sized bricks at a police car in Enfield during the London riots and rushing a Vodafone store. She is also alleged to have charged at a Phones4U outlet.

Being an Olympics Ambssador is an honour only the very best 8,000 who applied for voluntary work get:

London Ambassadors will welcome visitors from all over the world during the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games. We’re looking for volunteers to be the face of London; people who are passionate about the capital and want to tell millions of people about the hidden treasures that makes London one of the best capital cities in the world.

She applied. And she passed:

Being a London Ambassador is also your chance to try something different. Whether it’s volunteering for the first time, using new technology, working within a team or getting to know different people.

Go on:

London Ambassadors will be given fantastic training. You’ll take part in group role plays, learn practical skills such as first aid, discover how to keep calm in a crisis and become a pro at dealing with difficult situations.


You must have a passion, enthusiasm and pride for London that easily rubs off on everyone else… You’ll also have fantastic people skills. London Ambassadors must have the confidence, patience and resilience to communicate with people from all walks of life; from sports fans desperate to get to the Olympic Stadium, to families looking for a bite to eat on a budget.

At Westminster Magistrates Court the “talented sportswoman”, who runs for Woodford Green Essex Ladies, denied two counts of burglary, violent disorder and attacking a police car.

Says her mum:

“I had to do what was right. Roger [husband] and I were watching the news and it was absolutely sickening. And then we saw our daughter among the crowds.”

Indeed. There were lots of bricks being tossed at the Olympic Torch Rally but no-one thought to take a measurement and record distances and wind speeds.

Britain is going Olympics bonkers – get a lod of those mad-keen youths running thorugh the street who will stop at nothing to get the very best trainers and jogging pants…


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Posted: 11th, August 2011 | In: Key Posts, Reviews 7 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink