
Anorak News | Lancashire Man Ian Redmond Killed By Shark In Seychelles

Lancashire Man Ian Redmond Killed By Shark In Seychelles

by | 17th, August 2011

IAN Redmond, 30, has been eaten by a shark on his Seychelles honeymoon. The Lancashire man was swimming off Anse Lazio on the island of Praslin, when he was “eaten“.

Well, so says the Sun:


The bride is Bride Gemma Houghton, 27, from Wigan.

But he wasn’t eaten. The Sun admits as much a few lines into its front-page story:

Fishermen carried him to the beach in a dinghy but he died before paramedics could arrive as his wife wept beside him and screamed “that’s my husband”.

An unnamed “witness” is on hand to tell us:

“The swimmer was missing a huge chunk of flesh from his left leg, so much so that I could see the bone of his thigh. He was sickeningly pale, but still had his flippers on both feet.”

The paper than conjures an “islander” who offer context:

“The man was swimming close to the beach. He began splashing and shouting. His arm was ripped off and parts of his torso were missing. There was a horrific amount of blood in the water. It was like Jaws.”

The death of a man – the sight of an actual deal body that had been attacked by a shark – was like a film?

The pick of the quotes is made by “beach restaurant boss Jeanne Vargiolu” who is ever the woman whose views are dictated by her job:

“All the meat on one leg was gone.”

PS – It’s the first shark story of August.

Posted: 17th, August 2011 | In: Reviews 1 Comment | TrackBack | Permalink