Nathan Hageman Is Tabloid Villain Of Th Month: Media Beats Villain Red And Black
NATHAN Hageman is front-page news. He won £1million on ITV’s Red Or Black.
The Show is best described by Dec of Ant ‘n’ Dec: “There’s no skill or talent involved.”
It is just a celebration of money.
To the Sun Hageman is:
“£1m Red Or BLack Fury – TV BRUTE KEEPS LOOT”
Hageman is a product of Bullingdon Britain, having been jailed in HMP Bullingdon in Oxfordshire. He got five years’ jail for attacking his former lover Amy Edwards and aggravated burglary.
And now he is being smacked about in the court of public opinion for lying. You see, what he told media after his win was:
“I got mixed up with the wrong woman, someone I shouldn’t have been involved with. I decided to get out of the situation and ended up with another woman, who was such a nice girl – completely different. But the woman I left wouldn’t leave me alone. Then I started getting calls from a guy in Reading. He was very threatening. I think she’d got involved with him. I tried to brush it off but he kept saying he was going to harm me. I was concerned for my mum, sister and niece and I went there and assaulted him. I was an idiot for doing it, I know, but that’s the state of mind I was in.”
The Sun at first declared:
“Red Or Black? makes bricklayer Nathan Hageman a millionaire” – September 4
Afterwards the bricklayer said: “I didn’t think I would get through, I couldn’t believe it. I have never had any luck, apart from the family I’ve got. It means everything to me; I can change mine and my family’s life.”
Nice lad. Generous. Then the mood changed:
£1m Red Or Black winner Nathan Hageman jailed for brutal attack – Sept 5
THE first millionaire winner of Ant and Dec’s new game show Red Or Black is a former jailbird caged for battering another man, The Sun can reveal.
The Sun had got a call from the TV show’s offices. We were invited to sympathise with Nathan:
Nathan, who became homeless at just 11, admitted he was “an idiot” over the assault, which followed a bust-up over a woman — but has vowed to make “a fresh start”…
Nathan, who appeared alongside hosts Ant and Dec, said the “bad episode of his life” was the culmination of his struggle to get over the 2005 death of his beloved dad Keith. The tragic painter and decorator spiralled out of control after he divorced Nathan’s mum Joyce Sykes 20 years ago. He hit the bottle and ended up living on the street before eventually dying penniless at just 47. Fighting back tears, Nathan said: “My father died and I took it really badly. I was riddled with guilt. I felt I let him down at the end and went a bit off the rails.” Nathan and Keith bonded during five years living on the streets together after the divorce.
Some nights it got so bad we’d sleep under a van just to stay out of the rain. We did this on and off until I was 16…
He said: “I’ve been stupid but I did my time. I shouldn’t be looked down on due to my past. Everyone deserves a second chance.”
Red Or Black boss Simon Cowell said of Nathan’s win: “I think the money will make a big difference to Nathan and his family.”
Beating up a man was okay. We had heard the sympathetic back story and had been instructed by King Telly to forgive.
Then more facts that would help make the show a conversation point emerged:
Strip TV brute Nathan Hageman of his million – Red Or Black winner jailed for beating GIRL – Sept 6
Girl? Hageman attacked Amy Edwards in 2006. She is now said to be 30 years old. He is 31. Was she a girl give years ago? Was he a boy?
No less than FOUR Sun hacks – GARY O’SHEA, JAMIE PYATT, LEIGH HOLMWOOD & ANDY CRICK – produce another story on the man we should give second chance to:
TV chiefs were under pressure to strip Red Or Black winner Nathan Hageman of his £1million prize last night — after it emerged he was jailed for beating up his EX-GIRLFRIEND….
Hageman, 31, had admitted serving 2½ years for ABH, but claimed he attacked a man. Last night MP Hazel Blears said: “He should be stripped of the money.”
Hazel Blears – the woman who was forced to pay back the £13,332 she used to taxpayers’ money to buy herself, among other items, a big TV? That Hazel Blears says a man who won his cash fair and square should give some back to the victims? In case that is not enough for you damn the ITV winner, the Sun gets into whisper mode:
The Sun can also reveal he was arrested last year on suspicion of assaulting another unnamed woman, who refused to press charges.
Wasn’t Hazel Blears was it?
And last night relatives of Hageman’s current girlfriend Jane Makepeace claimed she was treated in hospital for a suspected brain bleed after a violent row with him.
Her sister Rebecca tells the paper:
“They’ve had a real up-and-down relationship over the last two years, very hostile. Jane was in hospital at one stage with a suspected bleed on the brain. I think it was a punch in the back of the head. She couldn’t open her eyes. She couldn’t move. My mum called the police. She couldn’t understand why nothing ever came about. Police were involved quite a lot to be honest.”
Anoyone else want to talk about an an alleged crime in the tabloid?
Plasterer Delroy, 33, said: “We weren’t doing anything, but he started hassling me last December… He wanted to beat me up. I didn’t know what he’d do, so I met him in a park. I just wanted to put it all to rest. I told him nothing was going on and we cleared the air a bit.”
The final word is with ITV:
A horrified source on Red Or Black said: “We are kicking ourselves.”
Can we join in..?
Posted: 7th, September 2011 | In: Key Posts, TV & Radio 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink