Daily Mail Says Middle-Aged Boozing Prevents Cancer – Unless You’re Middle Class (In Which Case Your F*cked)
THE Daily Mail’s words on drinking alcohol are more a conversation than actual reporting.
Last week the Mail’s Daniel Martin warned:
Couples who share a bottle of wine over dinner are putting their lives at risk, according to a report. The middle classes are unwittingly becoming ‘risky drinkers’ by regularly having wine with their evening meal, significantly increasing their susceptibility to conditions such as cancer and stroke… And because women’s alcohol tolerance is lower than men’s, they are at greater risk than their partner if they each drink half of a bottle of wine.
In short: if you drink you will get cancer.
Today the Mail yells on its front page:
“RISE A GLASS TO HEALTHY OLD AGE – Women in ther 50s told: Two drinks a day can fight off illness”
Fiona MacRae has new:
A glass or two of alcohol in middle age could help women enjoy a happy and healthy retirement.
How many glasses in a cancer-inducing bottle of wine – six small ones, or four big ones?
Those in their 50s who regularly have a little wine with their dinner are more likely to be free of the ills of old age, from cancer to heart disease, than those who are teetotal or drink to excess.
The Mail’s middle-classed middle-aged readers are in a quandary. The upper and working classes cheer heartily…
Posted: 7th, September 2011 | In: Reviews 2 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink