
Anorak News | Sorority Girls: Picking Which One To Hate Most Is Tricky

Sorority Girls: Picking Which One To Hate Most Is Tricky

by | 13th, November 2011

SORORITY Girls is the Channel 4 shows featuring five big-toothed American girls setting up a sorority house – Sigma Gamma – in…Leeds. These cultural missionaries will create the UK’s first Sorority.
The fivesom with the plan to colonise the UK (first Leeds, then Wakefield!) are:

Amelia – big white teeth and the biggest peal necklace outside the San Fernando Valley
Arianna – big even white teeth on an orangey backdrop
Devan – teeth that follow you round the room and most probably ask you what your life goals are
Dominique – shiny white teeth and “in charge of making sure our British girls are well mannered at all times”
Hannah – pearl earrings, pearl necklace and pearly whites. Girl most likely to say, “You betcha!”

The girls are not only defined by their pearls. They have quotes to hand your hat on (and yourself with – pass the pearl rope):

Arianna: “I love British people, I think they’re hilarious”

Like pale smurfs.

Hannah feels, like, she, like, “practically gave birth” to her, like, dog. She might be the work of a parodist. Anorak cannot overlook the possibility that her dog is working her.

Amelia is the uber WASP, the girl who majors in advertising and says:

“As president of my sorority I’ve accomplished every goal I’ve set. I’ll have no problem being in charge of the UK.”

We’d best let her. She looks persistent. Adding:

“Today we’ll be voting on the new colours of the bathroom. All in favour of pink says ‘aye'”


All in favour of redecorating Iran say ‘aye aye’.

Dominique“I hope they have sushi in England”

Devan: “I have countless best friends”

Define “best”.

To all British students watching the show in bed while toking a smoke and forgetting to brush their teeth… thank you. Repel all invaders.

Posted: 13th, November 2011 | In: Key Posts, TV & Radio 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink