Michael Buble swears he’s cool as fans walk out
MICHAEL Buble, the singer with the voice akin to having a nun push a half-melted finger of fudge in your ear, is the subject of the BBC headline:
Buble fans walk out over language
Michael Buble is Canadian, and on reading that headline we supposed the offensive language to be English.
It turns out that the language is not the lingua franca, rather swearing. Buble says that such is his level of cussin’ that many fans have walked out. As he tells the Telegraph:
“Almost every night when I’m on stage my agent will say to me: ‘Well kid, 30 people wanted their money back.'”
(Buble’s agent is Nicely-Nicely Johnson).
He adds:
“They kept saying: ‘Mike, you’re losing the audience’. Especially when I wasn’t playing to that many people. I remember my American agent saying: ‘Tonight it was huge, 70 people wanted their money back’.
“And I said: ‘Give them their money back. I don’t want them at my show. I don’t want some stuck-up prudes [who] can’t laugh at themselves’. Give me my kind of people and we’ll be fine.”
Who are Buble’s kind of people?
“I get letters saying: ‘I really liked you, but you were crude, you were rude, you used foul language, you were suggestive’.”
Why is Buble telling us this? Is he trying to convince non fans that his shows are not a stroll in the syrup mines? You get swearing, proper grown up swearing. And innuendo.
God it’s hard being a grown up male singer trying to look relevant. All the women need do is flash some gusset and boob. Look out for Buble driving a car on stage and telling a backing singer that his mum’s out for the night…
Posted: 15th, December 2011 | In: Celebrities Comment | TrackBack | Permalink