
Anorak News | How I fell asleep with Cheryl Cole and her 4,000 shoes

How I fell asleep with Cheryl Cole and her 4,000 shoes

by | 17th, December 2011

LAST week Heat magazine’s fashion presenter Mark Heyes sat down with Cheryl Cole and tried to make a wet noodle sound interesting.

Mark didn’t exactly bust an ass bone here by trying to trip this pop tart up with poignant and soul searching questions designed to enlighten us with how totally interesting Cheryl is.

No this interview was to bland as uncomfortable is to watching a nurse trying to keep her straight face while asking questions before an STD test.

Are you still awake? I’m sorry for this boring post about this boring woman, perhaps I should have put up a picture of a boiled cabbage instead.

You know what, I think in a head to head interview I would come out more interesting than Cheryl.

Let’s see.

Cheryl Cole claims that she owns 2,000 pairs of shoes. I own 4. (Cheryl 1-0 Me.)

Cheryl says you’ll find a pair of shoes on the bottom shelve of her fridge. Okay, look in mine and you’ll find a bottle of Pinot. (Cheryl 1-1 Me.)

Cheryl thinks that her body’s sexy. Hmm, mine’s not but at least it doesn’t sleep on it’s own. (Cheryl 1-2 Me.)

Cheryl thinks that Lady Gaga is braver than she is and says she takes things to the extreme. Foul too easy yellow card. (Cheryl 1-3 Me.)

Cheryl likes baking and says she finds it very therapeutic. I like drinking and find it makes me very drunk. (Cheryl 2-4 Me.)

And finally, Cheryl wants to wear more Victoria Beckham next year. So do I. (Cheryl 3-5 me.)

I rest my case.


Posted: 17th, December 2011 | In: Celebrities 1 Comment | TrackBack | Permalink